The design features two illustrated male anime characters, depicted as teenagers, raising their hands in a gesture of friendship. The characters are accompanied by a friendship phrase “Friends who anime” designed with a clipping mask effect, filled and outlined with a sans serif font.
The design is decorated with small orange-colored squares and patterns, giving it a distressed look. The overall color scheme includes shades of orange and yellow. The design captures the essence of friendship and anime culture in a playful and vibrant manner.
Two friends raising their hands with a friendship phrase design
The design features two illustrated male anime characters, depicted as teenagers, raising their hands in a gesture of friendship. The characters are accompanied by a friendship phrase "Friends who anime" designed with a clipping mask effect, filled and outlined with a sans serif font.
The design is decorated with small orange-colored squares and patterns, giving it a distressed look. The overall color scheme includes shades of orange and yellow. The design captures the essence of friendship and anime culture in a playful and vibrant manner.
Categories: anime, distressed, illustrated, manga, men, teenager
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