The design features a cartoon illustration of a baseball, with a circular phrase design surrounding it. The overall style is a mix of baseball, sports, comic, and illustrated elements. The color scheme includes vibrant shades of orange and blue. The fonts used are bold and display, adding to the dynamic and eye-catching appeal of the design. The text within the circular phrase design reads “Hit, catch, score”, emphasizing the excitement and action of the sport.
Cartoon of a baseball with a circular phrase design
The design features a cartoon illustration of a baseball, with a circular phrase design surrounding it. The overall style is a mix of baseball, sports, comic, and illustrated elements. The color scheme includes vibrant shades of orange and blue. The fonts used are bold and display, adding to the dynamic and eye-catching appeal of the design. The text within the circular phrase design reads "Hit, catch, score", emphasizing the excitement and action of the sport.