The design features a teenage anime character in black and white clothing, with a distressed and illustrated style. The character is depicted crossing paths with a gray-toned monster in the background. The main focus of the design is a variable font phrase in bold, sans serif typography that reads “We speak anime.
” The phrase is designed in a vertical format, perfectly separated to create a horizontal composition. The color palette includes white, black, and grey tones to enhance the overall aesthetic.
Anime character with a monster in the background and a variable font phrase design
The design features a teenage anime character in black and white clothing, with a distressed and illustrated style. The character is depicted crossing paths with a gray-toned monster in the background. The main focus of the design is a variable font phrase in bold, sans serif typography that reads "We speak anime.
" The phrase is designed in a vertical format, perfectly separated to create a horizontal composition. The color palette includes white, black, and grey tones to enhance the overall aesthetic.
Categories: anime, black and white, distressed, illustrated, manga, teenager
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