A colorful illustration-style design featuring a tennis ball bouncing against a swirling, centrifugal background of vibrant colors. The ball is enclosed within a centered rectangular frame, creating a focal point. At the top, the phrase “Quick movement” appears twice, split into two sections, while the lower part contains the rest of the phrase along with a descriptive text. The design has a vertical orientation, with a primary color palette of blue, burgundy, and green. The typography used is a sans-serif font, in uppercase, with filled letters, reinforcing the energetic and sporty aesthetic of the composition.
A tennis ball on a colorful background with a phrase design
A colorful illustration-style design featuring a tennis ball bouncing against a swirling, centrifugal background of vibrant colors. The ball is enclosed within a centered rectangular frame, creating a focal point. At the top, the phrase "Quick movement" appears twice, split into two sections, while the lower part contains the rest of the phrase along with a descriptive text. The design has a vertical orientation, with a primary color palette of blue, burgundy, and green. The typography used is a sans-serif font, in uppercase, with filled letters, reinforcing the energetic and sporty aesthetic of the composition.
Categories: colorful, illustrated, sports, teenager